We don’t often attend sagre (plural of sagra) as crowds are something we try to avoid. So when we do go to one, there are usually lesser-known and on a much smaller scale.
This past weekend, my brother-in-law invited us to join them in Casperia for the Sagra del Tartufo and taking the opportunity to also spend time with family, we were there. Here’s a glimpse of the sagra.
On a beautiful Sunday morning we drove to Casperia and were rewarded with lovely views of the Lazio countryside. When we got there, the sagra was smaller than the one we had attended last year which we didn’t mind at all.

View of the countryside from Casperia

Set up for the sagra
The menu was simple. A complete meal including drinks for €12 with a choice of either gricia or tartufo pasta. My choice of pasta was obvious – after all we were here for the Sagra del Tartufo. It sounded like a big meal on paper and an even bigger one when we saw all the food.
The line wasn’t long but don’t be deceived. We waited a good 30 minutes before we got to the front. That’s one of the elements of a sagra, so be patient!
Overall, the pasta was tasty though a bit more tartufo would have been nice. That’s just my personal taste as it was fine for the others. The highlight was the bruschetta al tartufo which we all enjoyed. The girls loved the salsiccia and the fries, of course. I am not sure how that french fries fit in a sagra and will leave it at that.
It’s always an interesting experience and for me, it’s also an opportunity to visit these towns that host these sagre. If you are looking to experience a sagra, it’s not too late! Check out the list of sagre in Lazio in September by Lazio Explorer.
Will you attend any of these sagre and what do you enjoy most about sagre?