Pizza al taglio is very popular here in Rome. It’s basically pizza by the slice. We often think of pizza as round but pizza al taglio is cooked in big rectangular trays and you tell them how big of slice you would like. They price of the slice of pizza depends on the weight.
Pizza al taglio shops are extremely crowded during lunch because it’s where you can get a quick bite and the prices are very reasonable. I got a small slice today on the way to work as I was in a hurry and I only paid US$1 (the size of the one in the picture). There are many different types of toppings but I just got a pizza rossa which is pizza with just tomato sauce. The price per kilo depends on the type of of pizza you choose and some shops will have the price list of each type of pizza per kilo.
The pizzas here are simple – there is usually just one topping on the pizza and not a mix of everything such as chicken and pineapple. You would never see a pizza like that in Rome nor Italy! If you want to eat your pizza right away, you can ask them to heat it up and it’s really good.
Here in Rome, the pizza crusts are thinner than those in Naples. I know everyone says that the best pizza is from Naples but I prefer thin crusts so pizza in Rome is perfect for me!